Thursday, September 30, 2010

3-D Paper Crafted Wall Art

 This is a great idea to add color and panache to your home, and think about how easily it can be changed to coordinate with the holidays!
Great idea, simple to create, and budget friendly. Thanks goes to Kathryn for the inspiration!

There are a lot of ideas out there on how to use scrapbook paper in the decor of a room.  I love that you can get some beautiful 12" x 12" pieces of artwork {because let's be serious...some of those pages are closer to art than craft supplies}
for less than a dollar!  And you can buy the pre-made collections of paper and have them already perfectly coordinated for your color scheme and style.  Love it!

I found a lot of projects online with multiple pieces hung in a collection...but I wanted one final piece hung in a frame.  I found some good inspiration at some local stores {Hobby Lobby} and online...and here is what I made:

If you want to get the same look here are the steps I took
{sorry there aren't more pictures}:

Supplies you'll need:
-poster board (optional)
-foam core board
-paint (optional)
-scrapbook paper
-hot glue gun and glue stick

First, you'll need to decide how many panels you want and what size they will be.  My frame was 16" x 20", so I choose 6 panels that are 6" x 7".   Cut your paper and foam board to the same size and to the number of panels needed. 

Based on the color scheme of your papers, you might want to paint the edges of the foam board.  I wanted them to look like shadows, so I painted all the edges of my foam panels black.

Once the paint is dry, use the glue stick to attach the paper to the panels. 

I used black poster board as my background, so I cut it to 16" x 20" and put it in the frame.  You could also paint the cardboard that comes with the frame to get the right background color.

Now all you have to do is hot glue the panels onto the background and hang it up.  Super easy right?